Translations Best practice in French version Best practice in English version

DECIMA gets its staff involved in participatory watershed management

1. Organizational Governance

Strategy and organization


Initially specialized in electricity and telephony, Décima is a family business that has developed an diverse expertise as an IT company, telecom operator and data center hosting company. United in their values of commitment, foresight, innovation and competence, its staff and partners are inventing a new development model that breaks the link between economic growth and resource use. Its innovation and new products and service creation process brings together cutting edge computing and communication technologies with cutting edge environmental technologies. On top of its technological innovations, Décima involves its employees in its CSR strategy by using participatory watershed management.


  • Formalizing the implicit moral contract between the company and its staff in terms of involvement in company life and innovation.
  • Encouraging action, whether in a personal or a professional setting.


Employee pay is linked to the CSR

  • The company's profits are redistributed to the employees, share-holders and taxes.
  • The employees are pushed to innovate and take action, whether in their professional life or their personal life. Yearly contests with a Driver Challenge, Quality Challenge, Ethical Challenge, Savings Challenge. The prizes are handed out as purchase vouchers at a company event that all employees attend, during the Christmas period.

Participatory watershed management: 

  • Monthly meeting of the management committee made up of 20 people representing all departments.
  • Open House days: yearly event involving all the employees, suppliers and customers.
  • In 1997, the 20 salespeople then present drafted the Chartre du Chesne 

- 17 company development projects are united in one organization
- Improvement ideas which, when they are industrialized, can be implemented for a better quality of service for clients and employees. 
- Each project is followed up by 2 employees and reported on at every management committee every 3 months. They are  available to every employee online and they can follow each project's progress and leave comments.

Reducing emissions related to transportation

  • Carpooling is encouraged within the company. 50% of the company cars are systematically used for carpooling. The employees meet at the office first and go together to customer sites, outside meetings or to other company sites.
  • New tools have been put in place to reduce transportation time by and for employees


  •  Absenteeism dropped from 5.3% in 2013 to 3.5% in 2014.
  • 10% reduction is fuel use: €24,384 saved over the last 12 months. 
  • Charte du Chesne: Application of the ISO 14001 standard and improvement of internal and computerized communication means etc.


  • 6.2 metric tons less CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • Involving the employees in the ethical challenge: 

- Some of the employees came to the help of local disaster-stricken families by offering clothing, food, furniture etc.
- One employee involved in the école de la deuxième chance school and one of the students received as an intern in 2015.

152 salariés (2015)
21 109 795 € (2014)


Z.I. Est, François Hennebique
BP 51
62052 Saint-Laurent-Blangy


Fredy Decima, Gérant, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 03 21 60 61 62

Mise à jour le 24/05/2016

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