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INDIGGO chose renewable energy sources

4. Environment

Energy / Greenhouse Gases (GHG)


Indiggo Group is a consulting firm in sustainable development and it has been committed in a global environmental approach on site, in particular through energy solutions, since 2000.


- Reducing energy consumption and using renewable energies


Indiggo decided to use a wood, automatic boiler to heat its premises (1,800m2) in 2000.

-    Wood sheets come from local forests (30m3 every three weeks during severe cold spells) and are provided by a producer that cares about the quality of the combustible (grain size measurement and humidity rate)

-    A silo guarantees an automatic supply of the boiler, that generates 80kW ; a specific gas boiler can be used in addition

-    Ashes are removed once a month and reused by an employee as fertilizers

The initial investment reached 70,000 euros, as the ADEME and regional communities had subsidized the project 25%. The company has implemented energy cost management actions, such as enhanced presence sensors, employees’ consciousness raising, control on the boilers. The group inaugurated a solar photovoltaic installation connected to the network. It was put on the roof of a business building, and Indiggo invested 137,000 euros ; it was subsidized 77%. A scheme has been implemented to improve business trips and reduce them when possible (videoconferences, investment in transport cards).


- 80 to 90% of heating needs are met thanks to wood boiler

- 20% of the electricity provided to business buildings is solar energy

- 1000 euros are saved per month thanks to controls and a change in behaviours.


- Energy consumption have been reduced

- Local economy has developped itself

- Indigo has set an example for other companies and individual behaviours.

9 millions d’euros

Mise à jour le 23/05/2016

Creative Commons Attribution This work by Réseau Alliances – World Forum Lille is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.