The interconnected environmental, energy, economic, and equity crises of the 21st century are posing complex and often-unpredictable challenges to communities around the world. A city in transition is a city in which a transition initiative takes place, i.e. a process involving the community and aimed at ensuring the city's resilience (ability to cope with economic and/or ecological crises). It aims to go beyond urban sustainability efforts and meaningfully equip our communities.


The broad objectives of Transition are:
- To respect our resource limits and create resilience: need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, greatly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and make wise use of precious resources is at the forefront of everything we do.
- To promotion inclusivity and social justice: increase the chances of all groups in society to live well, healthily and with sustainable livelihoods.
- To adopt subsidiarity (self-organisation and decision making at the appropriate level): work with everyone so that it is practiced at the most appropriate, practical and empowering level.
The 7 essential Ingredients for doing Transition successfully:
1.Healthy Groups: Learning how to work well together.
2.Vision: Imagining the future you want to co-create.
3.Get your community involved in Transition: developing relationships beyond friends and natural allies.
4.Networks and Partnerships: Collaborating with others.
5.Practical projects: Developing inspirational projects.
6.Part of a movement: Linking up with other Transitioners.
7.Reflect & celebrate: Celebrating the difference you're making
Here are some more specific examples:
- Set up concrete actions (local and collective purchases, shared gardens, local currency, repair cafés, recycling, conferences...) often based on dormant projects.
- Acquire the skills that will become necessary to strengthen the autonomy.
- Support and promote the achievements of others (associations, Agenda 21, companies, etc…).
- Relocate the economy (food, ENR...).
- Strengthen links, solidarity and cooperation between all stakeholders in the territory.
- Reduce electric & gaz bills (more energy self-sufficiency).
- Reduce grocery costs (more food self-sufficiency).
- Reduce transport costs (action to limit fossil fuels consumption).
- Relocate economic exchanges (local currency).
- Reduce health costs (healthier way of life for the mental and physical condition).
- Reduce carbon dioxyde emission.
- Increase inclusity and social justice.
- Increase solidarity between people within the community and between the communities.
- Reappropriation of knowledge and techniques.
- Country
- France
Rob Hopkins