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CASTORAMA launch its guide to share good practices and to help change the way disability is perceived

2. Human Rights

Diversity, equal opportunity, and fighting discrimination


Castorama belongs to the group Kingfisher -Europe’s largest home improvement retailer-. Castorama employs 12,600 collaborators who contribute everyday to its success on its market and help to achieve, through a network of 102 stores.Castorama’s main objectives concerning its policy for men and women development are: promote diversity, engagement and facilitate the evolution of its employees. 


  • Create a simple tool to manage and animate, in total autonomy, disability policy in every store 
  • sharing good practices in every field
  • finding key information and contacts


In order to highlight our team’s commitment and the concrete actions taken over the last 5 years to animate our Disability policy, Castorama has created a disability guide gathering the Best Practices. Intuitive, interactive, easily updatable and accessible to everyone, this guide has been built around 8 thematic areas: recruitment, job stability, aids from the AGEFIPH (association that manages funds to help the professional insertion of disable people, trainings, adapted sector (which employs exclusively disabled people), store animations, DOETH (declaration of disabled person employment), and accessibility. This guide gathers actions which have been implemented by Castorama. To help replicate these actions the guide integrates illustrations, supplier’s contacts, quotes… As soon as a new good practice is implemented, the guide is updated on our internal portal with just a few clicks by the manager of the “Mission Handicap”. It therefore, stays available at any time. Best Practice spotted by the World Forum Lille in 2013 and updated in 2014.


  • Changing the vision of disability of both collaborators and clients
  • Better local management of the disability policy
  • Easier access to information through the Best Practices to manage actions


  • Evolution of disabled people employment rate from 4.7%  to 7.3% (2009-2013)
  • 210 recruitments (open-ended contracts),  165 workstation adaptations and training like in French Sign Language
12600 (2014)
2 900 000 K€ ( HT Net 2013)


Zone Activité

Mise à jour le 20/07/2016

Creative Commons Attribution This work by Réseau Alliances – World Forum Lille is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.