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Asap: a sustainable building design tool developed by NACARAT and deployed across RABOT DUTILLEUL GROUP entities

1. Organizational Governance

Strategy and organization


Nacarat, a subsidiary of the Rabot Dutilleul Group, is a general property developer with expertise in both commercial and residential property. Annually the company builds around 2,000 homes and many tens of thousands of square metres of service sector buildings. Its vision statement, “Together let’s build towns and cities for people and so help create a sustainable world”, has led it to develop an innovative building eco-design tool: ASAP - As Sustainable As Possible.

In front of the success of this policy, ASAP assessment was deployed in others entities: Rabot Dutilleul Construction (construction) for design and build operations and Gerim (general contractor).


  • Systematically to improve the sustainable development performance of its property developments projects and to convey this to stakeholders;
  • To enhance knowledge of sustainable development among staff.
  • To design and construct buildings that enhance the sustainability of a geographical area (in terms of the environment, employment, the economy, etc.


ASAP (As Sustainable As Possible) is an essential building design tool, a genuine catalyst for Rabot Dutilleul Group’s approach to CSR strategy. The idea is:
  •  To imagine how a project can physically improve an area in terms of 15 sustainable development criteria (e.g. social relevance, energy consumption, renewable energy generation, end-of-life, household waste, etc.)
  •  To determine the perceived needs and expectations of the project and local stakeholders 
  •  To develop a strategy based on this
  •  To allow Rabot Dutilleul to move ahead as projects are added to the data base.
ASAP is used at all stages of a project, from start to completion. This tool allows Nacarat:
  • To deal systematically with each sustainable development issue arising from its property development activity 
  • To position each project on key issues such as energy, mobility, social justice or biodiversity
  • To compare its project rapidly with best practices worldwide, at Nacarat or in the region where a project is located. 

The ASAP assessment of a project is often a good way of revealing its overall quality

Best Practice spotted in 2013 by the World Forum Lille and updated in 2014.


  • Simplified decision-making and time saved
  • Committed staff, united around the company’s core values
  • 80 sustainable property development projects handled in 2012: a virtuous circle for Nacarat and the local areas concerned. 


  • Extension of the principle to other construction businesses in the Group
  • 80 sustainable property development projects handled in 2012: a virtuous circle for Nacarat and the local areas concerned
  • Since ASAP's lauch, 500 projects has been conceived thanks to the tool, ans about a quarter of it are finished or close to be.
1740 salariés (2016)
753M€ (2016)


Immeuble Onix
594 Avenue Willy Brandt CS 20012


Rodolphe DEBORRE, Directeur Développement Durable, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mise à jour le 02/10/2017

Creative Commons Attribution This work by Réseau Alliances – World Forum Lille is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.